Le 27/06/2017 à 21:00, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :

Where I
think there is disagreement is on whether we take a paternalistic
approach of "are you sure you know what you're doing? Think very hard
about this before you do it" or a lax approach of allowing users to
shoot themselves in the foot. Should we treat LyX users like teenagers
or adults? I really don't know the answer.

I am in favour of treating lyx users like adults. To me, this means not reinventing the wheel and follow established guidelines. See e.g.


and the paper they mention which has a lot of examples.

I agree that it is late in the process, and indeed that does make
stronger the proposal of "let's just revert". But this issue is not the
only one holding up beta1. When we make progress on the other issues, if
this one is still hanging in the air and we cannot agree on what to do,
then we might need to move on and revert. My opinion is that we're not
there yet.

What is your schedule in either case for implementing and testing the

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