> On Mar 13, 2018, at 12:11 PM, Joel Kulesza <jkule...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:59 PM, <list_em...@icloud.com 
> <mailto:list_em...@icloud.com>> wrote:
> With LyX 2.3.0rc and Skim on Mac, both forward search and reverse search are 
> failing for me. Didn’t someone fix this not too long ago? It fails whether 
> LyX is in some random location or the supposed default location 
> /Applications/LyX.app.
> Jerry,
> If you describe how you've setup Skim to work with LyX, I'll try setting it 
> up similarly to test (on Mac).
> Note: I'm not a Skim user. 
> - Joel

Hi Joel,

Uh-oh. I just now made a small test document and both forward and reverse 
search work as expected. However, in a paper originated from the LyX IEEE 
template, it fails. In its forward attempt, Skim is brought to the front but 
nothing else happens—no scrolling to the expected location and no highlighting 
within Skim. (Skim places a red dot at the location for about five seconds 
before it disappears, and also highlights the line.) Reverse search from Skim 
does nothing.

I am working on a deadline for a paper and probably won’t have time to develop 
a minimal example today, and possibly not until the end of the week.

OK—here’s a minimal example. Just open the IEEEtran-Journal.lyx template and 
render it to Skim without modifying it. Behavior is as I describe above.


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