On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Joel Kulesza <jkule...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:40 PM, Joel Kulesza <jkule...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 3:11 PM, Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Am 14.03.2018 um 21:54 schrieb list_em...@icloud.com:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> On Mar 14, 2018, at 6:17 AM, Joel Kulesza <jkule...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 4:00 AM, <list_em...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> >>> I’m confused. Is it working for you or not?
>>> >>
>>> >> It does not work insofar as nothing happens other than Skim opening
>>> with the PDF when I click the preview eyeballs.  It doesn't move the
>>> document to a particular point nor display the type of markup you described.
>>> >>
>>> >> I'll respond later in detail to Stephan's post regarding what I did
>>> to set it up and what I ultimately experience (in both 2.2.3 and 2.3.0).
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > OK. I have egg on my face. (I don’t know if that translates into your
>>> slang. 8^) First, I was not receiving all the list mail, only yours. I just
>>> now fixed my list subscription. Second and more important, as told in
>>> Stephan’s note, I did not have the document setting for “Synchronize with
>>> output” turned on.
>>> To be honest - it was Pavel who mentioned it first. I’ve luckily
>>> repeated this to make a self contained recipe. :)
>>> > I guess I didn’t realize that setting was per-document. SORRY
>>> everyone. With that turned on, syncing is working. The only problem that I
>>> see is that with reverse search, the Skim document window is not brought to
>>> the front—but the scrolling and highlighting does happen. Not sure that’s a
>>> LyX problem though—could be the OS or Skim not sending the right
>>> (Applescipt?) command.
>>> You want LyX front-most when doing the Command-Shift click in Skim? I
>>> think this may be a legal enhancement request for LyX.
>>> The work-around is to add custom arguments in Skim (I’ve grabbed it from
>>> LyX wiki):
>>> For standard LyX enter:
>>> "%file" %line ; /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "LyX" to
>>> activate'
>>> For custom command e.g.:
>>> /path/to/LyX.app/Contents/MacOS/lyxeditor "%file" %line ;
>>> /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "LyX" to activate‘
>>> Stephan
>>> > Still, though, I first tested with the default document when selecting
>>> File -> New which is “Article (Standard Class)” and the “Synchronize with
>>> output” setting is already checked, by default. My mistake then I suppose
>>> was assuming that this would then happen with the IEEE template but that is
>>> a bad assumption.
>>> >
>>> > Sorry again for the hassle and thanks as usual for all the friendly
>>> help.
>>> >
>>> > Jerry
>>> >
>> My experiences and thoughts after experimenting with this:
>>    - I've tried to configure forward/reverse search with LyX+Skim (LyX
>>    installed from lyx.org and Skim installed via brew cask install) on
>>    two separate machines using 2.3.0rc2.  I've gotten only reverse searching
>>    working.  I do not have anything that indicates that forward searching is
>>    functional.  Can someone please post a screencast showing what correct
>>    forward search looks like so I know what to look for?
>>    - On one machine that reverse search works, both LyX and Skim are
>>    installed to /Applications.  On the other, they are installed to /local.
>>    For the /local installations, I had to use a custom Skim preference
>>    providing the full path to lyxeditor and the osascript append that Stephan
>>    copied from the wiki to get reverse search working.
>>    - Jerry noted that he overlooked the fact that PDF synchronization is
>>    per document.  I admit that I also overlooked this for some time.  One
>>    possible reason: I think the WIki page at https://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/Sy
>>    ncTeX has this step mislabeled.  It says "Document > Settings > Output
>>    ", which I mistook for LyX>Preferences>Output rather than
>>    Document>Settings>Formats.  If folks agree that the Wiki is mislabeled, I
>>    can correct this.  However, perhaps someone with working forward and
>>    reverse searching can create a formulaic write-up giving the steps
>>    necessary to setup LyX from a fresh install and a document without
>>    synchronization enabled.  It would be helpful (to me, at least) if the
>>    write-up gave absolute paths/caveats for non-standard LyX and Skim (or
>>    other viewer) locations.
>> The steps I used to configure the two applications are as follows (note
>> that I totally removed LyX 2.3.0rc2 and Skim.app and the associated
>> preferences (~/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.3 and
>> ~/Library/Preferences/net.sourceforge.skim-app*) before proceeding.
>> Please let me know what step is incorrect or missing to get synchronization
>> / forward search working.
>>    1. Install LyX 2.3.0rc2 from UCSD mirror (
>>    ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/LyX/devel/lyx-2.3/lyx-2.3.0rc2/LyX-2.3.0
>>    rc2+qt5-x86_64-cocoa.dmg
>> <ftp://ftp.ucsd.edu/LyX/devel/lyx-2.3/lyx-2.3.0rc2/LyX-2.3.0rc2+qt5-x86_64-cocoa.dmg>)
>>    to /Applications/LyX.app. Note that I ultimately want to *not* have LyX in
>>    /Applications because I cannot have it so at my office.
>>    2. Install Skim via `brew cask install skim` to
>>    /Applications/Skim.app (version 1.4.32 installed).  Note that I
>>    ultimately want to *not* have Skim in /Applications because I cannot have
>>    it so at my office.
>>    3. Launch LyX for the first time to initiate first-time configure.
>>    Quit.
>>    4. Launch LyX and create a lengthy document.  I used the attached,
>>    with 10 sections each with 5 loren ipsum paragraphs explicitly included in
>>    each section.
>>    5. Set LyX>Preferences>Output>General>PDF Command to
>>    "/Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline $$n $$o
>>    $$t" (default for Skim). Apply.
>>    6. Set LyX>Preferences>File Handling>File Formats>Format: PDF
>>    (pdflatex) Viewer> Custom with "open -a Skim.app $$i". Apply. Save.
>>    7. Set Document>Settings>Formats>Synchronize with output>Checked. OK.
>>    Save document.
>>    8. Preview with eyeballs.  Skim opens with the document at the
>>    beginning.
>>    9. Set Skim>Preferences>Sync>Preset: LyX. Close preferences with red
>>    circle/"x" (there is no save, apply, etc.).
>>    10. Quit LyX and Skim.
>>    11. Relaunch LyX, reopen skim_test.lyx, preview with eyeballs. Skim
>>    opens it at the beginning of the document regardless of where my cursor in
>>    LyX is. However, reverse search (command-shift-click seeks LyX to the
>>    clicked element, within reason).
>> Any thoughts are appreciated.  I've worked for some time without this
>> capability, but I can certainly appreciate how it would be helpful.
>> Thanks,
>> Joel
Did anyone have thoughts on these varying degrees of success in getting
forward and reverse search to work on OS X with Skim (particularly, how to
get forward and reverse search both working)?

Thank you,

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