On 05/16/2018 08:22 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Andrew Parsloe wrote:
>> PS Re your PS and *forever*, that's one more reason for treating MiKTeX and 
>> LyX as distinct programs and not bundling them together.
> Or we might consider using TeXLive as default instead of MikTeX if it works
> better, now would be actually proper time to do it...
> Bundle install with MikTeX produced installing time measured in hours
> when I tried our installer couple weeks back. That is insane, but I do not
> know whether we have real alternatives.

The issue is that the basic MiKTeX install gives one very little. Not
enough even to compile the Introduction, largely due to font metric files.

> What install choices we have with TeXLive? Bundling 4gb of data is not an
> option, but there might be small installer which can be conditioned on base
> installation, without docs and we would be suddenly in the realm of 50-200mb.

Yes, that would be the way to go, if we could do it.


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