On 24/10/2018 13:36, Daniel wrote:
On 24/10/2018 12:20, Daniel wrote:
On 24/10/2018 11:40, Daniel wrote:
On 23/10/2018 18:37, Daniel wrote:

- There is something strange going on with the size of the Advanced Find and Replace Widget.

When docked to the top (or docked to the top and then undocked) its minimum height is the minimum height it has when docked to the side. But since the box layout is switched from horizontal to vertical this makes no sense.

And also when the widget is first called it is on the side and can be made rather narrow. But once it has been docked to the top and back to the side it cannot be as narrow any more since it is restricted to the minimum width as if it were docked to the top (or docked to the top and undocked).

I noticed that the Code Preview Pane does not share this strange behaviour with the other panes. And I noticed that its implemented differs a bit. For example, GuiViewSource.cpp has a

ViewSourceWidget::ViewSourceWidget(QWidget * parent)
        :       QWidget(parent),
                document_(new QTextDocument(this)),
                highlighter_(new LaTeXHighlighter(document_))

while the other panes seem not to have this. Could something like that explain the difference? I am just poking around in the dark...


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