Now that we have NEW_INSETS as default we should also try to make them
working correctly. Let's do this one for one. This about InsetMinipage!

1. A Minipage HAS to have a lenght! So when creating a minipage we should
   be forced to fill out some default parameters so that we don't get errors.

2. (1) can also be solved by automatically setting the percentage of width
   fill to 100% (so that it automatically spans the whole page width).

3. Minipages shouldn't be collapsable or at least we should change the
   painting of an open minipage so that there is no "minipage" label on
   the right side which takes away needed horizontal screen space.
   Maybe we should put the label on the top-right (or left) corner
   depending on the surrounding rigth2left/left2right setting.

4. We need a dialog for all the minipage options (is there a volonteer on
   the xforms-base to make the base for this, otherwise I will have to make
   it, but IMO Angus would be a lot faster) I can design the dialog and
   commit the .fd file if that is requested.

5. We have to define a mode to open this types of dialogs (we already use
   right-mouse-click for tabulars, but is this wanted?)

6. The default when creating or converting a new collapsable inset should
   be that the inset is open!

7. We have draw problems with this type of insets (% of page width where
   for now % is always 100%, but that really doesn't matter).

8. IMO also collapsed minipages should always span the same horizontal
   space so that the document structure is held.

That's all what I can remember right now. Let me know. I'll have a look at
this because a lot of this is connected to the InsetText (drawing) so maybe
I'm the one who is fasted to fix problems.


Dr. Jürgen Vigna        E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen           Web:

"I'd love to go out with you, but I did my own thing and now I've got
to undo it."

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