Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Now that we have NEW_INSETS as default we should also try to make them
| working correctly. Let's do this one for one. This about InsetMinipage!
| 1. A Minipage HAS to have a lenght! So when creating a minipage we should
|    be forced to fill out some default parameters so that we don't get errors.

Yes... I am working on this.
| 2. (1) can also be solved by automatically setting the percentage of width
|    fill to 100% (so that it automatically spans the whole page width).

Yes, but we need to be able to put in specific lengths as well "2cm".
| 3. Minipages shouldn't be collapsable or at least we should change the
|    painting of an open minipage so that there is no "minipage" label on
|    the right side which takes away needed horizontal screen space.
|    Maybe we should put the label on the top-right (or left) corner
|    depending on the surrounding rigth2left/left2right setting.

I disagree. they should be collapsable, but should not be collapsed by
Something can be done about the label though.
| 4. We need a dialog for all the minipage options (is there a volonteer on
|    the xforms-base to make the base for this, otherwise I will have to make
|    it, but IMO Angus would be a lot faster) I can design the dialog and
|    commit the .fd file if that is requested.

Yes this is needed.
| 5. We have to define a mode to open this types of dialogs (we already use
|    right-mouse-click for tabulars, but is this wanted?)

As you can see with all collapsable insets they have a problem... when
opeing a collapsed inset and the inset contain a label, graphics
whatever the label's edit is executed.
| 6. The default when creating or converting a new collapsable inset should
|    be that the inset is open!

yes, perhaps.
| 7. We have draw problems with this type of insets (% of page width where
|    for now % is always 100%, but that really doesn't matter).

| 8. IMO also collapsed minipages should always span the same horizontal
|    space so that the document structure is held.
| That's all what I can remember right now. Let me know. I'll have a look at
| this because a lot of this is connected to the InsetText (drawing) so maybe
| I'm the one who is fasted to fix problems.

the drawing problems certainly.


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