Le 22/02/2019 à 21:29, Jürgen Womser-Schütz a écrit :
Hi alltogether,

I have a revised patch for the little problem of possibly non existing
user-provided listing file in LyX child-document dialog.
If the listing file don't exist, a warning QMessageBox is displayed:
     "The listing file " FILENAME " does not exist. You will not be able
to export your LyX-file (LaTeX-errors)."
The diff-file is attached.

Another possibility would be to change the label of the include inset to start with "INVALID" of something like that. This is already what we do with broken cross references. This would also appear in the outline and the user would see it immediately after clicking OK.

In my opinion the whole LyX child-document dialog needs a revision.
Im am not a user of this dialog at all but if I select instead of
"Program Listing" for example "Input" or "Include" I get errors.

This is my problem too. I am a very light user of the dialog.


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