On 3/1/19 5:47 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Fri, Mar 01, 2019 at 03:43:08PM -0500, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

I have no idea if this makes a difference, but just in case it triggers a
thought: my desktop (where the issue never manifests) has Qt 4.8.7 and 5.5.1
installed; my laptop (where the problem manifests if I do not override the
native dialog setting) has Qt 4.8.7 and 5.9.5. LyX uses 4.8.7 on both
machines (or so it claims), so I would not think the Qt 5 version would make
a difference ... but lacking a rational explanation for the difference in
behaviors, who knows?
You could compare the output of "ldd" on the binaries. Maybe this will

   ldd "$(which lyx)"
Both the desktop and laptop show libQtGui.so.4 and libQtCore.so.4 (apparently the same versions), and in fact almost all the dependencies are the same. They have different versions of libhunspell and libpng (which I'm pretty confident have nothing to do with this), and for some reason the laptop shows a dependency on libbsd that the desktop does not have.

Not sure what else to look at. Do both use the same file system? I think
you can figure this out with the following command:

   df -h <path/to/file.tex>
The option is actually -Th (in case anyone else is poking at this), and yes, they're the same (ext4).

So I remain baffled by the difference. (Fortunately, I've had plenty of experience at being baffled.)


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