On 4/2/19 11:05 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Le 02/04/2019 à 16:53, Richard Kimberly Heck a écrit :
>>> A solution would be to point people to a nicely crafted page
>>> explaining what needs to be installed and what the choices are.
>> You mean like this?
>> https://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/TeXLive
> Yes :) I admit I did not know it. Does the installer point to it?
> Could it?

We point to it from the download page. I would guess it would also be
done in the installer.

>> We could have another for MiKTeX.
> Or a not too long and intimidating page that explains why one needs
> LaTeX and which distribution to use depending on uses. This page could
> point to two a bit more technical pages describing each installer.
> An executive summary (aka TL;DR) at the beginning could be useful for
> users for short attention span concerning computer technicalities.

You think we can rustle up a volunteer?


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