Currently, IMO, notes behave in an unfortunate way in that they inherit the surrounding font.

Consider the attached document which has the following structure:


The first line is formatted as a section heading and the second as standard text.

In Lyx, select all text in the document and insert a note.

The actual result is that all the text looks as if it where formatted as section. This is misleading. It is also in many cases annoying. For example, when adding a longer note to a section heading it becomes huge.

The basic problem is that everything that is formatted as Standard/Plain Layout inherits the font the paragraph the note is placed in.

Arguably, there are also positive aspects of the current behavior. For example, a one paragraph note with plain text will give the user a preview of what the text will look like if the note is dissolved. However, I don't think this aspect is outweighs the costs, in particular, it is inconsistent as the example from the attached document shows above shows.

In another thread ( Riki suggest the following two cures:

1. Explicitly set a font on the note:

InsetLayout Note:Note
                Size normal
                Shape up
                Series medium

This works fine for me.

2. Let the font automatically reset in the note:

InsetLayout Note:Note
        ResetsFont true

The documentation sounds like this should work as well:

ResetsFont [0, 1] Whether this inset should use the font of its surrounding environment or uses its own. Default is false: use the font of the surrounding environment.

However, as Riki notes, it does not work. And the documentation seems a bit ambiguous to me.

I'd be happy to hear what people think about changing the notes behavior and what might be the best way to do it.

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\begin_layout Section*

\begin_layout Standard


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