Le 01/11/2021 à 10:29, Jürgen Spitzmüller a écrit :
Am Montag, dem 01.11.2021 um 09:56 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
(2.) revert b37929fd to correct the workarea font in footnotes (which
otherwise inherits the font of the context, e.g. section)

JMarc, what do you think about (2.)? It was part of your series to
address #12204.

On another look I tend to think that, rather than overwriting metrics
and draw in individual insets, we would need a method similar to
inheritFont() which only applies to screen font (I thought that
resetsFonEdit() is that, but it isn't).

I do not see the needed for treating the screen differently from the lyx file. I'll try to propose something, but currently I do not have much free time.

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