Am 19.03.2022 um 15:28 schrieb Uwe Brauer <>:
>>>> "SW" == Stephan Witt <> writes:
>> Am 19.03.2022 um 09:04 schrieb Uwe Brauer <>:
>>> Hi
>>> I usually run LyX on Ubuntu, but I gave a MacOS laptop a try, so I
>>> downloaded it from 
>> There are two binaries. Did you try both?
> Ah, I only saw one : LyX-, a
> the other is supposed for older systems (and 10.15 is not that old but well I 
> can give it a try)

Yes, it’s meant to be useful for El Capitan e.g.

>>> installed  and started it.
>>> The usually blocking message appeared (this is a 3rd pkg app) so I gave
>>> permission to open it and it died unexpectedly. 
>> Sorry for that, I’m afraid it’s not tested with Catalina. (I’m running 
>> Mojave because of depending on 32-bit apps.)
> I see, mine was shipped with 10.15 and I did not upgrade because I am
> using fink (hm I have to see whether fink ships lyx, but most likely it
> will be older)

Meanwhile I’ve installed Catalina in a virtual machine (10.15.7) and tried to 
install LyX- from LyX download area. I had to 
clear the download attributes to get it running. After copying the app to 
/Applications I started this command in Terminal: xattr -rc 


>>> A long log popped up to be sent to Apple.
>>> At this point I have to ask you.
>>> Is this a bug of sorts, and can it be resolved or 
>>> is this not known and I shall sent a bug report?
>> It would be handy to have the crash report. Please send me a mail with it or 
>> create a ticket in LyX bug tracker and attach it.
> Ok I will first some  more testing and then if it does not help I send
> you the report.
> Uwe 
> -- 
> lyx-devel mailing list

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