Allan Rae wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, R. Lahaye wrote:
> > I believe that the Save & Apply button of the Preferences
> > lights up or doesn't, when it should or shouldn't:
> >
> > 1) It doesn't when I type a new Backup path or LyXServer pipe
> >    in Inputs->Paths, but it should!
> If the path doesn't include existing directories this will fail.
> That is, if you enter /home/me/temp/lyx/ and /home/me/temp doesn't exist
> then the validity test will fail.  What are the entries you are trying to
> use?  And how much of those paths actually exists?

Earlier I had set LyXServer-pipe to "/home/lahaye/.lyx/pipe". When I then open
the preferences dialog and manually change that into "/home/lahaye/.lyx/mypipe"
(simply typing "my" infront of "pipe"), I cannot [Save] or [Apply] that change
because both buttons are still disabled. This is not the correct behaviour to
my opinion, since I have changed the pipe in a legitimate way.
Or what do you think?
In this example, I have to change (and change back) something else in order
to enable the [Save/Apply] buttons to save my new LyXServer-pipe.

> > 2) It does, when I select a line in the list of the LyX objects
> >    in Look & Feel -> Colors, although it shouldn't because I do not
> >    make any changes.
> This is a problem of the "what is an input and what isn't" variety we have
> had elsewhere.

Problem of input? I don't understand.
Simply looking at the default top Object "GUI background" doesn't affect the
[Save/Apply] buttons.
So why then enable [Restore/Save/Apply] buttons when I LOOK AT the colour settings
of (for example) "latex text". That implies no changes at all (just looking!), so
it should not enable the [Restore/Save/Apply] buttons.
Only when I change one of the colour settings, I should be able to Save/Apply this


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