>>>>> "Sung-Kwan" == Sung-Kwan Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Sung-Kwan> Hi Previously, I tried to use Scientific Workplace to write
Sung-Kwan> my paper. But I found an inconvenience that I had to keep
Sung-Kwan> using either mouse or short key to type mathematical
Sung-Kwan> expressions. Then I switched to Latex with an editor. It
Sung-Kwan> has passed three months since I tried to learn Latex. My
Sung-Kwan> question regarding Lyx is that is it possible to work with
Sung-Kwan> Latex commands directly on Lyx when I compose my paper ?

In math editor mode, you can mostly use the latex macros directly
(type \frac to get a fraction). However, you will have a adapt a bit
your sequence of keys to get what you want inside LyX.


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