>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Andre> I have implemented them as macro without arguments. This gives
Andre> correct behaviour. Some day we'd probably need some kind of
Andre> distinction here...

That's fine.

>> What I do not know is whether mathed supports showing the same
>> symbol for several macros. If it does, other things defined with
>> \let in fontdefs.dtx should be aliased too.

Andre> There is no such file on my harddisk.

It should be possible to install sources with teTeX. I do not know
what package, though. This is pretty useful when you want to know what
a given command actually does.

Anyway, I get here (grepping for \let to get synonyms):

fantomas: grep '\\let' /usr/local/lib/tex/doc/base/dtx/fontdef.dtx 
\def\neq{\not=} \let\ne=\neq
% \let\@@sqrt\sqrtsign

Reading the whole file is probably interesting too.


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