On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Michael Schmitt wrote:
> I cannot export file "Extended.lyx" of LyX 1.1.6 to "dvi" format. It
> seems like there is a problem with these new "ERT" insets. Could somebody
> please check whether this is a real bug or just a problem with my
> configuration?

I had this very problem about an hour ago and the general problem is
that the "floatflt" paragraph option is not honored.

The first sign of trouble is that when I load Extended into 1.2.0cvs I get
a textclass loading error which says "Couldn't set the layout for 7
paragraphs". Then going to Section 1.8.3, the mobius figure is displayed,
but if I pop up Layout->Paragraph, there is no "Extra" page to be seen,
and this is where the floatflt option is supposed to be set. Now this
wouldn't be noticeable by itself, but later on, in Section 5.3, I use some
ERT to call some floatflt commands, but since it wasn't loaded
automatically in 1.8.3, it is not available for the ERT in 5.3.

The real problem, I believe, is that the Extra Paragraph Options page has
disappeared. (Only "General" appears when Layout->Paragraph is
called.) This all works correctly in 1.1.6fix3cvs, but not in today's CVS.


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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