Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Maybe we didn't know about that. Or maybe footmisc is not a
> >> required package so it's better to make this by hand. I don't know!
> Herbert> it's nearly the same code in footmisc. the texcode is always
> Herbert> from Robin Fairbains, but footmisc is the newer one and with
> Herbert> option stable you have footnotes in tables, too.
> It is indeed code extracted from footmisc. However, we cannot assume
> the footmisc is always installed and it is nice to have a fallback for
> such a common situation (footnote in section heading). However, if a
> better solution exists, we should definitely use it.

this could not be a reason for such a hack! maybe, that we should 
think about a latex-directory in, where all these
lyx-supported style-files are linked to 
so all users have an easy opportunity dowloading missing 



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