Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Herbert" == Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Herbert> not all problems. but it's better than the old one as far as
> Herbert> I can see. because the layout-doc-gui is still a bit left of
> Herbert> the main window. so one can see that there's an open gui.
> Herbert> this doesn't work, when you have the main-window maximized.
> I do not see how my change could have the effect of having the
> layout-doc-gui (is that the layout>document dialog?) more on the
> left... I guess I do not understand what happens actually.

1. there was the problem with the totally hidden
layout>document dialog, when changing class.

2. after your first patch (I hope, I remember well), there was the
problem with the class list, which doesn't went into the
background. which is now solved.

but the layout>document dialog may be hidden again 
> So: do you feel that this patch should be applied?

from my point of view: yes. because 2. is solved
> This popup asks you whether you want to change some settings according
> to the class. For example, you you switch from article to a class
> which uses two-columns by default (IEEEtran), answering yes to the
> question will set columns to 2. Is that clear?

sure, but this could be possible with the layout>document dialog
too, because you can switch the radio button(s) after changing
the class.



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