Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

>Ben Stanley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>| However, the version currently in 1.2 writes the 3 numbers to the
>| deptable, which is incompatible with previous behaviour which
>| writes/reads only 2.
>No, we do not have to do that.
>Everything in LyX is written to work with USE_TEMPDIR=true, if you
>don't use that expect strange behaviour.
>Also I do not think that we have to be deptable compatible with 1.1.6
> (and older 1.1.2CVS does not matter).
Anyway, my current patch is backwards compatible - reads/writes 2 
values, and Does The Right Thing with old/new files, even if it causes 
CRCs to be calculated when not strictly necessary in the case that you 
changed LyX version and didn't use a tmp dir.

This behaviour came about without writing extra code ie for free :-).


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