On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:17:08PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Andre" == Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andre> Apropos fixes: How is responsible that keybinding completions
> Andre> don't show up anymore in the minibuffer?
> They do show up, as long as you wait 6 seconds for them.
> JMarc

It's not the same mechanism showing them. Apparently the mechanism we
want to have is in lyxfunc::verboseDispatch. The boolean show_sc seems
to be false, which disables this (don't ask why, I suspect it is wrong,
but forcing it to true didn't help either).

The backup mechanism is in XFormsView:XFormsView, which makes (by
Signal-Slot) initMiniBuffer get called and do its thing. This should 
only happen if the user has fallen asleep. [somebody add a beep]

Who has been tinkering with this code last?


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