On 3 Jun 2002, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Rod" == Rod Pinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Rod> Herbert had the newer version of the one I had, and his looked
> Rod> fine. If Herbert can't find it, I have a copy of his version
> Rod> which I should be able to dig up. I haven't had a chance yet to
> Rod> look at the contribution from Matthew, so I can't comment.
> Could you try to have a look? You know this stuff better than us.
> JMarc
Opening it up in 1.2.0 pre 5 (I've been bad, and not gone to the "proper"
version yet...) and running it on the template, I get the following error

Undefined control sequence



and a similar error for the url.

I'm not going to comment on the implementation of the two in terms of
"niceness". Taste varies too much, but apart from the error above, both
seem to be fine to my eyes.

Checked Herbert's again, and it ran fine for me, in 1.2.0


rod   | "Beneath the waves, the waves / That's where I will be /
      |     I'm going to see the cow beneath the sea."
      |                 They Might Be Giants, Lincoln

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