On Monday 09 December 2002 10:52 am, José  Matos wrote:
> The idea is to get the word spread before the change. That will get some
> time for people to prepare the transition.

How about this as a hacked-together first-stab at an announcement. It sort of 
tails off towards the end, but I'm expecting suggestions for improvements so 
don't be shy...

We are happy to announce the release of the GPL-licensed, version 1.0 of the 
xforms graphical toolkit library used by LyX.  This release means that FROM 
THIS DATE ON the LyX team will no longer provide support for xforms 0.88 or 

We recommend that all LyX users upgrade to xforms 1.0. It contains many, many 
bug fixes that LyX has had to work around (often in an ineffective fashion).

The API of xforms 1.0 is unchanged from 0.89. This means that all recent 
versions of LyX up to and including 1.2.X will compile without modification 
against it. 

Unfortunately, the compiled xforms 1.0 library is binary incompatible with 
xforms 0.89. This means that you must recompile LyX against the new version 
of the xforms library. Or grab a new LyX distro from the LyX ftp site of 

Get the xforms src distro at 


Binary distros for Linux-386 machines will be posted on the LyX ftp site. 
(Will they????)

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