Angus Leeming wrote:

> Let me try and get my head around the various possibilities. Let's store
> the .fig file in the lyx document as 'images/img1.fig'. In turn, this .fig
> file references 'raw.eps', so the path to 'raw.eps' from the document
> directory is 'images/raw.eps' and the absolute path is
> '<path to buffer>/images/raw.eps'.
> 1. Run View->PS etc.
>         The 'images/img1.fig' is copied to the /tmp directory and this
>         copy is
> modified there to contain '<path to buffer>/images/raw.eps'. XFig will be
> happy and all will be well. We'll see the raw.eps image in the final PS
> file.

Yes. Note that raw.eps is already included (not referenced) in
<mangled file name of images/img1>.eps in the temp dir.

> 2. Export->Latex
>         buffer.tex will include the snippet:
>         \input{images/img.pstex_t}
> It is the user's responsibility to generate 'images/img.pstex_t'
> correctly.

No. This is 1.3 behaviour, 1.4 creates 'images/img.pstex_t' and
'images/img.eps.' This is alo a case where the converter is called on the
original file and therefore modifies it :-(((
Another problem is that does not know of latex's stupid
interpretation of relative filenames (relative to the master document, not
the included one. Therefore images/img.pstex_t contains
\includegraphics{img}, and this fails of course.
I guess we have to do these conversions in the temp dir, too.

> 2. Export->DVI
>         Should the DVI file reference 'images/raw.eps' or '<path to
> buffer>/images/raw.eps'

None of these two. It references the mangled name of 'images/img.eps',
because the dvi is created in the temp dir.

> 3. Being nasty. Export->DVI but 'images/img1.fig' contains a reference to
> 'images/raw.jpg'. XFig is clever enough to handle this.

There should be no difference to 2.

> Hmmmm. I guess I'm a little confused by this all.

I hope you are not anymore.


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