Asger Alstrup wrote:
I'd look at this instead:

That's *much* better :)

This one shows the definitions in use:
leading to my versions for LyX:

 !define PRODUCT_NAME "LyX"

 ; ApplicationSuite.FileType
 !define appType "${PRODUCT_NAME}.${PRODUCT_NAME}"

  ${CreateApplicationAssociation} \
      "${appType}" \
      "${PRODUCT_NAME}" \
      "${PRODUCT_NAME} Document" \
      "$INSTDIR\bin\lyx.exe,0" \

 ${CreateFileAssociation} ".lyx" "${appType}" "application/lyx"

 ${RemoveFileAssociation} ".lyx" "${appType}"

Is "application/lyx" the correct "content type" for LyX?

Hmmm. Running the setup program as a "normal" user, I don't see anything with regedit. Do I have to be an Administrator to alter the Registry?

2. The DefaultIcon is stored at lyx.exe,0. Is it? Will it "just work", or do I need to do something else.

That should just work, if there is an icon resource in the .exe file. You can use reshacker to put one in, if there is none:

Ok, there isn't one in there yet. I'll add this to the todo list.

Incidentally, the guy has a cool name :)
Author & Copyright: Angus Johnson

I've got to say, I'm getting a bit bored of all this Windoze stuff...

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