Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sven Schreiber wrote:
> > Example: the latex input So{\ss}e should appear as Soße in the lyx file.
> > (Hope the German es-zett is preserved in the mail.) What appears is:
> > So<ert>{</ert>ß<ert>}</ert>e.
> > 
> > Tried to workaround with So\ss{}e, which gives
> > Soß<ert>{</ert><ert>}</ert>e (still two different ert insets)
> Thanks for the report, this is fixed now (see my other mail).

Sorry, I should have replied earlier to this.
The same happens  with French ligatures OE and oe.
In lyx I have a shortcut to type in \oe{}, as c\oe{}ur,
and a round trip retrieves c<ert>\oe</ert><ert>{</ert><ert>}</ert>ur.
If you eat the braces, you should take care to insert a space, to get
c<ert>\oe</ert> ur (in fact, I could have used this syntax for my shortcut,
but most French latex users insert the {} to close the command - and
some must enclose it completely like c{\oe}ur.



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