On Monday 06 June 2005 22:41, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Angus Leeming wrote:
>  >> Why extensive testing? We know which files are needed and
>  >> provide the official actual versions (the same that are used in
>  >> the actual MSYS version).
>  >
>  > I'm afraid that I don't believe that this is so. Several scripts
>  > have changed since Ruurd released LyX/Win 1.3.5 and their
>  > requirements have changed too. Witness the reports that people
>  > have been making that the lyx2lyx packaged with tex2lyx doesn't
>  > work with Ruurd's python.
> That's why I don't use Ruurds versions but the actual ones.


> But as you and I don't have the time to test it roughly. I propose
> the following:
> You (or I) could create a wiki page with a description of the new
> LyXWin installer version. I'm sure that after a mail to the
> lyx-users list many Win users will test it.

I've made a page at http://wiki.lyx.org/Windows/LyX136pre . Feel free 
to include something 
>  >> If I use the stripped files, the folder of the files (if you
>  >> include them to your package it is then LyX's \bin folder) must
>  >> be in the PATH. But that could easily be fixed.
>  >
>  > ???
>  > Then tell the installer where to find this folder and it'll add
>  > it to the path_prefix variable in lyxrc.defaults.
> I mean that the folder of the stripped files have to be in the
> system environment variable "PATH" so that every script can find
> them.

That's what happens now. LyX fires up, reads its lyxrc.defaults file 
and prepends its PATH environment variable with the contents of 
path_prefix. All child processes spawned by LyX inherit this modified 

> In my opinion it would be a good solution if the installer asks for
> ghostscript, imagemagick, and latex (in this order because
> imagemagick needs ghostscript installed!) 

Good point!

> as it does in the current 
> version. Then the user chooses an install directory for LyX and the
> LyX-files are extracted there. The stripped versions of python etc.
> are included in the install package. Assuming the install directory
> is C:\LyX they are extracted in C:\LyX\bin (the same directory like
> the lyx.exe).

Why not C:\Program Files\LyX ?

> Now this directory is added to the PATH using Win's 
> command line command set path=C:\LyX\bin;%path%
> Now the menu language is set for all users with e.g. the comand
> line command set LANG=de_DE

Isn't this the sort of thing that can be done trivially with a lyx.cmd 
script wrapping lyx.exe ?

> At last LyX is first configured and started.
> (I'm not sure if the command line commands are correct. But I can
> ask Michael Schmidt who knows them.)
> thanks and regards
> Uwe

Thanks to you too.

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