>>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Kostner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Stefan Kostner wrote:
>>> This means that the filenames of the eps files can be extremely
>>> long causing tools like dvips to crash with either segfault or for
>>> instance "dvips: ! out of string space".
>>  Looks like a fundamental limitation. We don't add characters to
>> the path, just replace them. If your path has more than PATH_MAX
>> characters, you've lucked out.

Stefan> So, why not using other filenames. Since those files are only
Stefan> of temporary nature they could just be numberd, or a
Stefan> combination of numbers and the real filename (without the full
Stefan> path), or only a relative paths...?

Yes, this is probably what we should do, but I do not know what amount
of change this would require.


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