Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> Georg Baum wrote:
>>>In the .tex file emitted to
>>>the temp directory by View->PDF (pdflatex) (or, presumably, by
>>>File->Export->PDF (pdflatex), the extension .pdf is omitted from the
>>>name of the embedded graphic file.  In constrast, the file produced by
>>>File->Export->LaTeX includes the extension.
>> That is intentional and should work. latex adds the missing extension
>> and chooses from a number of formats the best suitable one, therefore we
>> strip the extension.
> Do you mean that if the exported .tex file calls for a graphic named
> 'fig' (no extension), then pdflatex will automatically search for
> fig.pdf, fig.eps, fig.ppm, etc. in some order of preference?
>> IIRC this mechanism does not work anymore if the file name contains
>> spaces (as is the case here). I thought that we handled that when adding
>> space support, but have lost track. Angus probably knows more.
> There are no spaces in the file name; they've been replaced with
> underscores.  There are spaces in the path, though.  The spaces in and
> of themselves don't seem to bother pdflatex; if I edit the .tex file in
> the temp directory, add the .pdf extension (but leave the spaces in the
> path), then run pdflatex manually, it works fine.

Paul, I just tried your files with the latest versions of latex-beamer, pgf
and xcolor from the web site. It works perfectly, all
the way through to page 84.

Granted, this is under linux, but could you upgrade and try again?


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