Am Montag, 3. Oktober 2005 09:56 schrieb Juergen Spitzmueller:

> This is a separate bug (# 2067 now). The bug is actually not in undo, 
but in 
> MathGridInset::write. This means that a matrix with several empty rows 
> also exported to LaTeX incorrectly, because the end-of-line command was 
> written for the first empty line.
> Patch attached.
> Does this look sensible?

Unfortunately not :-( I changed the math parser some time ago to ignore 
the last row if it is empty (see delEmptyLastRow). This is needed for 
arrays with hlines after the last row.
If something has to be changed, then in the math parser (e.g. one could 
only ignore the empty row if it follows a hline), but not in 
MathGridInset. I currently have no time, but might think of a solution 


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