Martin Vermeer ha scritto:
> From the sendmail man page:
> "      With  no  flags, sendmail reads its standard input up to an end-of-file
>        or a line consisting only of a single dot and sends a copy of the mes-
>        sage  found  there  to  all of the addresses listed.  It determines the
>        network(s) to use based on the syntax and contents of the addresses." 
> and
> " -i  Ignore dots alone on lines by themselves in  incoming messages.
>       This should be set if you are reading data from a file."
> RFC-822: read and search for
> "period", and see section 4.5.2: Transparency.
> This stuff originates from SMTP, but should never get as far as a mail
> client. Yet, apparently OE and TB have been "robustified" against any of
> this getting through...

Bingo! I also found that it is called "hydden dot algorithm".
However, this should be concerning MTAs (sendmail and alike) and not
MUAs (mutt, thunderbird, ...). So, I don't understand why using two
different email agents on the same machine and OS and sending the same
email to the same recipient, I get a different behavior ... unless TB
and OE are trying to do a work which isn't their responsibility, i.e.,
they themselves add that extra dot.

A line starting with a dot in a text file is not usual, but a lyx file
may well have lines starting with a dot, so the moral of this story is
that it is not safe to send a lyx file in an email without zipping or
tarring it.


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