Tomasz Łuczak wrote:

 > I use TeXLive2005 and path to latex.exe is in PATH variable.
 > After run LyXWin137preSmall-0-6.exe appear a message:
 > No LaTeX-distribution could be found!...

This is fixed now. I use this code to catch all TeXLive cases:

  ; test if TeXLive is installed
  ; as described at TeXLives' homepage there should be an entry in the PATH
  ${if} $LatexPath == ""
   ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Environment" "Path"
   StrCpy $Search "TeXLive"
   Call LaTeXCheck
  ; check for the current user Path variable (the case when it is a
live CD/DVD)
  ${if} $LatexPath == ""
   ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "Path"
   StrCpy $Search "texlive"
   StrCpy $2 "TeXLive"
   Call LaTeXCheck
  ; check if the variable TLroot exists (the case when it is installed
using the program "tlpmgui")
  ${if} $LatexPath == ""
   ReadRegStr $String HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Environment" "TLroot"
   StrCpy $LatexPath "$String\bin\win32"
   ; check if the latex.exe exists in the $LatexPath folder
   !insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$LatexPath"
   ${if} $5 == "False"
    StrCpy $LatexPath ""

Probably TL2006 will use tlpmgui for windows too.

I bought the "TeX Collection 2005" and this comes with the tlpmgui
version / 1.0 2005.10.31 as installer for win32.

I've see that you are one of the authors, so here are some annotations:


- the folders
  aren't deleted when TeXLive is uninstalled. I expected a clean
  uninstallation that simply deletes TeXLive's install directory.

- the folder
  \texmf-local isn't deleted when TeXLive live CD/DVD is unregistered.

- WinDVI is still registered as default DVI-viewer after TeXLive's


The installation on harddisk using the scheme "basic" lasts more than 45
 minutes! Why that? (MiKTeX was already installed before I installed
TeXLive. Could it be that the interfer altough this shouldn't be the
case because I installed it on a different harddisk partition.


At last another question:
Does Windows uses the copepage "Windows CP-1250" as standard/default on polish systems?

regards Uwe

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