On Feb 12, 2006, at 2:27 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

I updated it again, so that now the system directory is not
on OSX, but rather

The same holds for windows.

This fixes a problem pointed by Bennett about a mixup between
Resource/LyX and Resource/LyX${version_suffix}.

As I noted elsewhere, this works fine on Mac.

An earlier version of this patch removed the additional
$version_suffix at the end of binaries names for windows and OSX. I
removed it because it breaks lib/configure when the
--with-version-suffix option is given. I am not sure which one is
better. Bennett I can do as you prefer: if you provide a preference
file with the right tex2lyx invocation, getting rid of the version
suffix on binaries may be better.

I've attached the preferences file that finds the correct tex2lyx. (Does anything need to be done about lyxclient?)


Attachment: preferences
Description: Binary data

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