On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, John Levon wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 04:46:48PM -0700, Mike Ressler wrote:
> > declare them set in stone for any possible 1.1.6fix3. The rearranging will
> > then occur in the 1.2 docs, even though I will be using 1.1.6 to
> > rearrange/edit them at first.
> How much work do you estimate this will take ? Specifically, updating
> the docs for recent LyX versions ? Most of it is fixing menu entries
> [1] and the like but I imagine there are some sections that really
> need updating.

I actually hope to have the "final" 1.1.6 docs completed and submitted
this afternoon, tomorrow at the latest (if I can get my laptop's modem to
cooperate). As you mention, this is mainly ensuring that all the menu
references are correct, though there are a few dialogs which have changed.
I've already fixed the citation dialog discussion; the edit->preferences
dialog probably needs work. Since I haven't actually used 1.1.6 much
(sticking with 1.1.5fix2 for real work), I still have a bit of learning to
do. My goal is to have the Tutorial and UG essentially correct and
complete for 1.1.6fix3. The others ... I'm willing to fudge on them a bit
more, particularly with the rearrangement coming up.

Observing runs are good for documentation: I'm sitting on top of a large
dormant volcano waiting for the sun to go down, and have no life other
than observing, eating, and sleeping. Might as well write LyX
documentation in the afternoon hours when I'm not doing any of the above.


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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