On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, John Levon wrote:

> how about "mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] or see the lyx.org website" ?
> more accessible

That's fine - I just want to keep something somewhere ...

> > Horrendously out of date, and for a _typical_ user, not terribly helpful.
> > Do non-developers really care that there is a
> > "toggle-cursor-follows-scrollbar" function? Doubtful - they just want to
> > know there is an option in Edit->Preferences that allows the cursor to
> > follow the scrollbar (which should be in Customization). The
> it would be handy if the new lyxfunc stuff when it arrives tags each one
> as something of :
> a) not in the gui support
> b) useful for the user
> c) internal only
> or whatever

This still sounds like a developers-only doc, not something for the
general user. "Getting rid of it" is probably too harsh - "moving
Reference to a developer directory, and deleting Help->ReferenceManual" is
really more what I have in mind.

> > Totally agree. Lot of work, but I'll make it happen.
> I can do this sort of thing if you want to delegate parts ...

Okay, I think I'll put forth a loud message decreeing 1.1.6 documentation
dead, then if you would be willing to start the popup->dialog
translation in the Tutorial, followed by the User Guide, I'll begin the
Intro rewrite. I'd still like to wait a day or two before beginning to
allow a few more comments on the reorg to filter in - particularly from
John W., if he is lurking about.


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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