Ignacio García schrieb:

Please report any suggestion, particularly Spanish users.

What do you mean?

Some hints and questions about UserGuide-test

2.5 Meta Repeated "you have"

Thanks, fixed now in SVN.

3.3.9 In accordance with the last paragraph of 2.5,
        Will it be C-S-" instead of C-"?

None of these shortcuts work for me, so I deleted now the last sentence on 
dection At the end of section it's mentioned "Extended Editing".
        Perhaps it's Extended Features?

Yes. I also added now the corresponding section on this file. "...the button Double makes the " key ... The button Single.."
        I don't see these buttons.

Yes, these buttons are gone. I therefore deleted the corresponding sentence now.

4.5.1   "If you can see a red border inside a cell,
         you only selected the cell content."
        I can't see the red border.

Yes. this is also no longer the case. I removed both sentences about this now. 1st paragraph "Set the cursor behind this label,..."
        I think that is before instead of behind.

Yes, this should be "above this label (or before it and press enter)" instead of 
"behind". Fixed now.

4.6.2  "..rotated to the left .. when they are on a page with an even number"
        I think that I sent you a small error in Embedded, about the
        rotation direction, but still it isn't fixed.
        Rotation is to the left in odd pages.

I write:
"They are rotated so that you can read them from the outside margin (They are rotated to the left in a two-sided document when they are on a page with an even number)."

So I mean that on even pages, the float bottom is at the left side. I deleted the stuff in braces now, also n the EmbededObjects manual to avoid confusions.

5.1.3 The behaviour of the dead keys, as the hat ^, is different in
spanish keyboard, (and also in other language keyboards, I suppose).
        I shall add a note in the translation.

Please do so. But what is different?

6.1     After the note of varieties of cross-references, the sentence
        "Note that the style <page> ... the text ``on this page'' instead."
        is repeated two paragraph below.

Also fixed now.

Ignacio, I really appreciate your comments as they are always very helpful and your complaints are correct. Many thanks for helping me with them.

best regards

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