On Thu, 25 Dec 2008, Yokota K. wrote:

In "2.2. How to translate" on the "Translation" page of http://www.lyx.org/,
there is a description:

For example, the German example documents (which still go in the
lib/examples directory)
are de_beispiel_roh.lyx and de_beispiel_gelyxt.lyx.

But in recent versions of LyX, lib/examples page contains subdirectories for
each languages and the prefix, say de_*, is not required.

Good catch. Could you change this on the web page?


PS. This seems like a very minor change, so I'd just do it. Generally speaking however, if one is unsure about changing a page, I recommend the following procedure:

1. Create a copy of the page, e.g. 'Translation-Draft' by doing the
   a. Edit the original page
   b. Copy the content, i.e. the wiki markup
   c. Create a new page by e.g. entering a URI such as:
   d. Paste the copied content and save.

2. Ask someone else to check on the content of the draft page.

3. When it looks good, copy the content of the draft page and paste it
   over the content of the original page.

A different approach would be to set up a copy of the web site by checking out the source, make the modifcations, have them reviewed and finally commit it back. It requires setting up the second site though.

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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