Dear LyX,

(I asked some questions yesterday, and got very quick help from Guillaume 
Munch. Apparently, he found my questions of general interest, and replied to 
the "general list". He then suggested that I should follow up on his response 
to this general list. However, I have no idea of where this "general list" is 
located... Is it a web discussion forum? Or what???)
I have now successfully saved an 80 page *.tex file from Scientific WorkPlace 
as Portable LaTeX, and imported it into LyX. At the moment, I'm in the process 
of fixing the file, and making modifications - this is a good way of learning 
for me. I do have some *problems*, though.

*         The LyX file previews nicely (Ctrl+r) from my desktop with LyX. 
HOWEVER, I have also made the same installation of LyX on my *laptop* (same = 
only used default settings during the installation). BUT on my *laptop*, I get 
an *error message* when trying to preview it: "LaTeX Error: File \units.sty' 
not found", with description



***(cannot \read from terminal in nonstop mode)"


Some other problems:

*         I have put some examples into Boxes (Minipage? -- Insert\Box\Shaded 
Background, with shading set to light gray).  Reason? I want the examples to 
stand out a little bit more than simply as in the example environment. Problems?

o   I get a "Package babel Error: Unknown language \english'..." error message 
when previewing. Description:



You may proceed, but expect unexpected results". I click "Show output anyway", 
and the result is ok - sort of.

?  How can I avoid this error message?

o   One unforeseen additional problem... the minipage environment does not 
respect the page layout, i.e. the box expands below the bottom of the page, and 
does not flow over to the next page...

?  Is this the intended behavior??? I thought minipages would flow over to the 
next page...

Errors? in the "LyX User's Guide" of July 5, 2016??

*         At the end of section (Short Titles of Headings), it is 
stated that "The title of this section is a good example of using this feature."

o   This is a totally uncomprehensible statement for those (like me) who read 
the *printed version* of the User's Guide! There is now sign that the sections 
at any level are too long and should need a short title.

o   OK - when I look into the *.lyx file in LyX, I see that a short title has 
been defined. But this is not really a good example...

*         In section Resumed Enumeration..."To resume an enumeration, 
use the style Enumerate-Resume". Eh???? I am not able to find this style.

o   In the User's Guide, it appears as EnumerateOption, but it is still not 
clear where I can find this???

OK - I will probably find more things to ask about as I proceed in fixing my 
document (SWP --> LyX) - I will now start to fix tables. Some comments:

*         I really like the Graphics option of "Graphics Group" - makes it easy 
to scale graphics from the same source with the same amount :-).

*         One nice feature of Scientific WorkPlace is the support for 
(physical) *units*. At the moment, it seems like I have to type "\operator{K}", 
etc. in LyX (e.g. to typeset the unit for Kelvin) - which is not that elegant.

*         In Scientific WorkPlace, I frequently use "fragments". I find this a 
quick way to insert new elements, e.g. I could use this to insert a figure 
float with centered paragraph...

Thanks for your response.

Best regards,
Bernt Lie

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