>>>>> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reuben> In a recent message someone said they were using TrueType
Reuben> fonts with LyX.  I've just installed xfstt and gave it a
Reuben> symbolic link to my Windows partition to look for *.ttf
Reuben> fonts. The results in LyX are excellent: no more jaggies at
Reuben> large sizes. I use Times New Roman and Arial; for some reason
Reuben> at the standard size the "3" character in Courier New has a
Reuben> very ugly disconnected pixel, so I stuck with Courier, which
Reuben> in any case doesn't suffer as much at the others at large
Reuben> sizes.

You might want to try xfsft, which relies on freetype and has a much
better renderer.


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