
I don't know even the first bit of how the Lyx code is organized, but this
leads me to a reflexion:
why is there no embedded interpreter (or may I have missed it?) in Lyx?
This could be an easy - ok, maybe not _that_ easy - way to allow expanding the
capabilities of this wonderful tool.
Emacs is just build around this concept, which makes it so powerful! (I agree
that it somehow interfaces with humans in a strange fashion, though)
Just to say it...

> Even better would be a general editor for customizing sequences of commands.
> Then I could make this thing myself.  I think you have done a GREAT job in
> letting the user define those layouts; and you could do the same with

Thierry Michalowski                                     /
Edipresse Publications S.A                 \\\' ,      / //
Infrastructures Informatiques               \\\//    _/ //'
33,av. de la gare                            \_-//' /  //'
1001 LAUSANNE SUISSE                           \ ///  //'
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"Unix is user-friendly...                           //  //\\\
It is just selective about who its friends are"    ((`

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