On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 12:21:03PM +0100, Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
> Thanks a lot to Roger Williams and Tony Dancer, but I still don't seem to be
> able to get it to work. I tried setting the Right Control and then the Scroll
> Lock as compose and it doesn't seem to work. This is my XF86Config:
> Section "Keyboard"
>   Protocol      "Standard"
>   Autorepeat    500 5
>   LeftAlt       Meta
>   RightAlt      Meta
>   ScrollLock    Compose  #I also tried RightCtl
>   XkbKeycodes   "xfree86"
>   XkbTypes      "default"
>   XkbCompat     "default"
>   XkbSymbols    "us(pc104)"
>   XkbGeometry   "pc"
>   XkbModel      "pc104"
>   XkbLayout     "us"
>  EndSection                                                                          
        I have also a 104 char keyboard, and the compose key is the right
windows key. Why not to try that one? :)

        I didn't bother to look to the config files, it was easier with the
trial and error approach ;)


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