>>>>> "Laurent" == Laurent DUVAL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Laurent> Hello, I am writing a thesis and it seems that koma-script is
Laurent> what I need to get preface, numbered bibliography and so on.

Laurent> I am using lyx_1.0.1 on SunOS. My problem is : all the
Laurent> layouts I need are in the directory
Laurent> lyx_1.0.1/share/lyx/layouts, but when I choose
Laurent> Options/Reconfigure, I can see nothing more in the
Laurent> layout/document. (except article(several ones), foiltex,
Laurent> slide, book, book AMS and a few others)

Laurent> I have asked my sysadmin to perform the reconfigure proc. as
Laurent> a sysadmin. Unfortunetely it does not work better.

Laurent> I have even put the files scrbook.layout scrmacros.inc in my
Laurent> .lyx/layouts, but then again, nothing.

Laurent> Could somebody give me some hints or workaround to be able to
Laurent> use the scrbook layout? I swear ;-) I have tried to read the
Laurent> book, but I don't seem to understand.

You need to have the real latex document classes installed. If you
look in Help->LaTeX_Configuration, it should tell you whether you've
got them, and where to find them.


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