In a message dated: Tue, 16 May 2000 18:31:44 BST
Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos said:

>  Hi Paul,
>       your problem is specific to 1.1.5pre1, as soon as as 1.1.5pre2 (maybe
> today or tomorrow...) please update as that bug is corrected there.

Will do :)  Thanks!

>Did you ask before how to run lyx just to update the linuxdoc document?
>Something like lyx --export linuxdoc document.lyx will be possible very
>soon, notice however that as the case of others formats you still need a X
>client running. More details, and a patch if you want to.

Are you saying that a normal lyx document which may, for examples sake, was 
written in article class, can then be exported to linuxdoc class merelyy by 
running the above mentioned command line?

Very cool!!!!! I look forward to that.  As far as more details are concerned,
yes I'd love them, but if you're going to expend the effort to explain them to 
me, please put it on the web site so others can read it too :)
(If you want, I'll even take care of the HTML formatting and send it to 
whomever maintains the web site to save you time!)

>Also for those interested I have been working the include/import facility
>for both linuxdoc and docbook.

This is what I'm eagerly awaiting!!!  Let me know when that's ready, I'll beta 
test it for you :)
        "I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
             I meet lots of interesting people that way."
                                          Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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