I have just compiled and installed 1.15fix1 under Redhat Linux 6.2 x86 with version 0.89 of the XForms library on my new laptop. About midnight last night I discovered, much to my surprise, that an accidental  middle mouse button click over the information bar at the bottom of the Lyx window will produce a core dump - every time, without fail.  Thank god for emergency saves!!!!  I have not yet dissected the core file, so I don't know where it is falling over, but if any of the developers want more information I can provide it.  Anybody else able to reproduce this?

FYI I am running it under XFree86 3.3.6 with the KDE window manager v0.14 patch level 3.

David C Martin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Materials Engineering Laboratory,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
University of Oulu
PO Box 4200
Oulun Yliopisto 90014 FINLAND

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