> | Hi,
> | 
> | I have been happy user of lyx for year or so. It's great!
> | I have also got lots of useful advises from this list.
> | Now I have a small problem:
> | I would like to use together fancy pagestyle (to add headers with
> | filename, date, etc.) and rcsinfo package (primarily to get RCS version
> | number and add it to page headers). The problem is that when I use fancy
> | pagestyle together with rcsinfo package, latex never gets the first run
> | finished. If I remove either fancy pagestyle or rcsinfo package,
> | everything works perfectly. Could somebody advise me how to use rcsinfo
> | with fancy pagestyle (or vice versa).
> You should post the errors that you get.
>         Lgb

        Sorry, no errors... Just a lonely latex running forewer (and of
course no dvi output). The same happens when I run latex by hand on
exported tex file. (It seems obvious that I know next to nothing about tex
or/and latex).

Peeter Burk                             Jakobi 2, 51014 Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Chemical Physics           Phone (372-7) 375-258           
Tartu University                        Fax   (372-7) 375-264           
Estonia                                 E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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