> \newcommand\myMath{ .. lyx blue math box ...}
>> and than in your title
>> bla... \protect\myMath ...
> Still gives errors.

i have no problem with a lyx-mathbox in a section title.
latest cvs-version.

> Anyway, it seems I found a fix. I used $-math, eg. $N=32$ instead of LyX
> blue box. Not a wysiwym way, but I'm not going to put complex formulas
> anyway in headers.
> I learned the $-math way from looking Maxima's TeX output. What is the
> difference between this and what LyX does anyway? Why should I use one of
> them instead of another?

$N=32$ is equivalent to \( N=32 \) or \begin{math}N=32\end{math}

lyx prefers \( ... \) for inline math.



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