Le 04/03/2015 10:01, Siddhartha Jain a écrit :

When I try using \biggg (or \bigggr/l), while it works in Lyx proper
(i.e. shows the right math preview), when I try to view the resulting
pdf (via export to pdf or command-t to view pdf), it gives me "undefined
control sequence" error.

Is \biggg even supposed to exist? I see that LyX code pretends to support it, but I do not understand how.

In lib/symbols, I see:

# The following are not standard LaTeX, but defined in the lucida font
# packages. No 'm' versions!
# See lucidabr.dtx for a possible implementation if you want to use these
# with other fonts.
biggg             big         none
bigggl            big         none
bigggr            big         none
Biggg             big         none
Bigggl            big         none
Bigggr            big         none

Georg, this is your code. Do you remember what the reasoning was?


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