Thanks for getting back to me. Let me just respond to this section of your email, since I may have been unclear in my original post.

On 03/07/2015 08:54 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
But in answer to your specific question, IMHO you really*don't*  want
your CSS to come directly from LyX, because ePubs should look very
different from their PDF counterparts. So I'd recommend making your own
CSS styles, and either copying them over the LyX-bestowed CSS, or
including a link to*your*  CSS below the link to the LyX-bestowed.
We do not, in fact, use the LyX or ElyXer css, but have our own whose reference for the header must be "*style/mx-lyx.css*" The question I was trying to ask was how to specify that proprietary css in the header of the output html file so that I do not have to change it manually each time.

I hope this clarifies the problem I am having.


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