I recently upgraded to lyx 2.1.2 and now to 2.1.3

The following preamble worked fine until I did the upgrade to 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 
didn't help. 

     *  \usepackage{geometry}
     *       \newgeometry{top=.85in, bottom=.85in, left=1.30in, right=.65in}
     *       \setlength{\footskip}{15pt}\usepackage{fancyhdr}
     *  \usepackage{color}
     *  \lhead{\small{www.dedoimedo.com}}
     *  \rhead{\small{all rights reserved}}
     *  \date{}
     *  \usepackage{caption}
     *  \usepackage{enumitem}
     *  \usepackage[hang,splitrule]{footmisc}
     *  \addtolength{\footskip}{0.5cm}
     *  \setlength{\footnotemargin}{0.3cm}
     *  \setlength{\footnotesep}{0.4cm}
     *  \usepackage{multirow}
     *  \usepackage{rotating}
     *  \usepackage{listings}
     *  \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2} 
     *  \usepackage{watermark}
     *  %\usepackage{geometry}
     *      % \newgeometry{top=.85in, bottom=.85in, left=1.0in, right=1.0in}
     *      \usepackage{ulem}
     *    \usepackage{pstricks}



     *   % BEGIN left and right vertical lines, and line numbers.

     *   \usepackage{eso-pic}
     *   \usepackage{calc}
     *   \newlength{\leftruleA}
     *   \setlength{\leftruleA}{3.2\leftmargin-\marginparsep}
     *   \newlength{\leftruleB}
     *   \setlength{\leftruleB}{3.0\leftmargin-\marginparsep}
     *   \newlength{\rightrule}
     *   \setlength{\rightrule}{3.0\leftmargin+\textwidth+\marginparsep}
     *  \AddToShipoutPicture{%
     *       \put(\LenToUnit{\leftruleA},0){\rule{.5pt}{\paperheight-.5in}}  % 
First rule on the left
     *       \put(\LenToUnit{\leftruleB},0){\rule{.5pt}{\paperheight-.5in}}  % 
Second rule on the left
     *       \put(\LenToUnit{\rightrule},0){\rule{.5pt}{\paperheight-.5in}}  % 
Rule on the right
     *             \rput(1.6,13.74)            {
     *           \begin{minipage}[t]{20mm}
     *              \begin{flushright}
     *               \begin{doublespace}
     *               \end{doublespace}
     *               \end{flushright}
     *               \end{minipage}  
     *                                               }
     *                                       }
     *   % END left and right vertical lines, and line numbers.
     *  \let\OrgIndex\index

     *  \renewcommand*{\index}[1]{\OrgIndex{#1}}
But now xdvik (cntrl-D) shows the line numbers starting half-way down the 
page, rather than at the top of the page. Same problem if I export to pdflatex.
Lyx still prints fine. Its only the xdvi view that is screwed up.
Any suggestions?

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