On 08/20/2015 12:39 AM, Justin Eisenberg wrote:

I'm looking to typeset a book in Hebrew. I want to do the following things: 1) Have the main text in one column on the inside of the page (towards the binding)
2) Have footnotes of the main text at the bottom of the page
3) Have a second (different) set of footnotes for the main text in a column on the outer side of the page 4) The columns should be flexible to bend around the text depending on length, etc. 5) The numbering of the different sets of footnotes should be different styles.

I have a attached a sample of what I want to do for the columns. It does not have footnotes at the bottom of the page, though I would want those, too.

Hi, Justin,

It's possible someone will be able to answer this question here, but you will do better, I suspect, to ask it on some LaTeX forum or other. This is not something LyX will help you do directly. You will first need to use suitable LaTeX packages to allow for different kinds of footnotes. The bigfoot package might help with that, I think, and I'm attaching a module I wrote once that uses it. But I have no idea how to get one type of footnote to appear in a separate column. Perhaps there are some packages designed for typesetting critical editions that could be used to do this.

So you first have to figure out how to do it on the level of LaTeX. That's why I said that, while it's possible someone here will know about this, it's more likely someone will know at the LaTeX forums on Stack Exchange or, most likely, on the comp.text.tex Usenet group.


#Adds some additional footnote insets. Based upon the bigfoot package.

Format 35

InsetLayout Flex:FootnoteRoman
        LyXType         custom
        LatexName       footnoteR
        LatexType       command
        Decoration      classic
                Size    Small
        MultiPar        true
        LabelString     "Roman Note"

InsetLayout Flex:FootnoteAlph
        CopyStyle Flex:FootnoteRoman
        Decoration      classic
        LatexName       footnoteA
        LabelString     "Alpha Note"

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